Every business owner has their way of conducting business and the associated needs. These needs also extend to the office space. Renting a physical office space is a solution that various industries have become accustomed to. An alternative is virtual offices. Each of these options addresses different requirements of entrepreneurs. Check which solution will be best for your company.

Virtual Office – Service

Virtual Office – Facts and Myths

What does the virtual office service entail? According to the law, every company must have its registered office. A virtual office involves providing an address under which the company owner can register it. This address is also used for correspondence and marketing purposes.


The virtual office service does not end solely with the address. Very often, you can also count on additional service packages that complement the organization of the virtual office. IdeaPlace provides its clients with comprehensive front desk services, including an outer office for receiving letters and parcels. We also ensure professional customer service when guests visit the office. Other services worth mentioning include a virtual assistant, providing additional support for tasks and company projects.


In the past, many entrepreneurs wondered about the legality of virtual offices. Tax office officials and the National Court Register questioned the establishment of companies at a virtual address. However, court rulings have confirmed that these are fully legal solutions. IdeaPlace is a reliable virtual office in Wrocław that has gained the trust of officials through its reliability.


Just because the office is virtual doesn’t mean the entrepreneur doesn’t have access to it. When you opt for the service at IdeaPlace, you’ll also receive comfortable conditions for physical work. You can practically use a shared office space with others and meet clients in business lounges. We won’t require you to sign a contract or make rigid commitments. Come to the office whenever you want to work in person.

Virtual Office vs. Physical Office – Cost Comparison

Let’s look at the finances. They matter to every company, especially those in the development phase. Comparing fixed monthly costs, a virtual office definitely comes out ahead. In Wrocław, having a physical space in a prestigious location is a significant expense. With the virtual option, you can gain an attractive address for significantly less money.


Who chooses a virtual office in Wrocław? Freelancers use it. It’s also a great solution for business owners who don’t want to register their business at their home address and value a clear separation between work and private life. For companies just starting out in the market, a virtual office allows for greater savings at the beginning. Some companies’ work dynamics involve employees spending most of the day outside the office. In such cases, a virtual office is an option that allows for client meetings at the company’s headquarters.


How can you gain a prestigious address for your company at an attractive price? Here, the greater benefits are on the side of virtual offices. In Wrocław, there is no more prestigious location than the one near the market square. It’s not only the city center but also the center of major events. When you opt for IdeaPlace’s offer, you’ll register your company at Plac Solny 15 – the most famous square in Wrocław, right next to the market.


For physical offices, costs are usually inflexible. This means that companies preferring, for example, a hybrid work system cannot expect cost optimization. The situation is different in virtual offices. At IdeaPlace, we offer comfortable offices, coworking spaces, and conference rooms that you can use when you need them. Our offer includes three virtual office packages, but if you need an individual service, we will adjust to your preferences.

If a virtual office is a proposal for your company, check out what you’ll gain at Plac Solny 15, Wroclaw.