Running a business is a constant search for solutions that will strengthen, expand, and differentiate your company. You want your team to consist of committed, challenge-ready, and trustworthy individuals. How to gain such support? You don’t always have to decide to hire new employees, which can be costly and sometimes unnecessary. Another solution, gaining increasing interest among entrepreneurs, is a virtual assistant. 

Wrocław – this is where you will find professional support for your company.

Virtual Assistant – Service

Who are virtual assistants?

Let’s start from the beginning, explaining who a virtual assistant is and how they work. It’s a person to whom you can delegate company tasks that consume most of your time. These are usually duties related to the daily functioning of the company, but not only. Experienced virtual assistants engage in more demanding and crucial projects for the company. They work remotely, but that doesn’t mean they’re any less professional. By entrusting them with assistant, administrative, project, or representational tasks, you gain a specialist and an important team member.

Benefits of a virtual assistant


Our virtual assistant service is knowledge that has been cultivated over the years. That’s why today we can provide broad support to our clients. We are ready to take over daily tasks related, for example, to running a virtual outer office or share our experience in industry research and project management.


Every entrepreneur pays attention to costs and seeks solutions that will allow for their optimization. By opting for a virtual assistant service, you receive support for your company when you deem it necessary. You pay for the actual time the assistant spends on a given task or project.


Why should you be interested in IdeaPlace’s offer? We genuinely engage in our clients’ businesses. For us, an individual approach is not an empty slogan. We aim to get to know your business from the start and tailor our actions to the company’s needs.

How will a virtual assistant help you?

What tasks can you entrust to a virtual assistant? It depends on the specifics of your business. Our service includes actions typical for an assistant, such as organizing meetings or contacting business partners. As part of administrative tasks, we coordinate activities related to running the company and secretariat services. We also provide support for projects, when reliable and thorough research, project implementation planning, or assistance with recruiting new employees are needed.


For owners of small and medium-sized businesses looking to take their business to the next level, a virtual assistant is the right support. Above all, it’s a service that allows you to optimize costs. These costs arise with the hiring of employees and the need to organize workspaces and equipment for them. Delegating tasks will streamline processes in the company and accelerate its development.


The appearance of a foreign company in the Polish market is a demanding project. A virtual assistant in this case can become a trusted person who knows the local market inside out. As part of our services, we offer comprehensive support for entities wishing to open a branch in Poland. It includes finding office space, building valuable teams in collaboration with trusted recruiters, or assisting in finding business partners.


If you want to find time for new business ideas, you’ll need virtual support. While you focus on developmental projects, the assistant will ensure that delegated tasks are completed at the highest level. This way, you’ll streamline your work and increase efficiency.

Do you want to see what collaboration with a virtual assistant at IdeaPlace looks like? Schedule a free consultation and let’s talk about the needs of your business.