Your business is rapidly growing, and you’ve reached a point where you need support in handling the increasing workload? We have a solution that will give you time for development and making key decisions. The virtual assistant at IdeaPlace is a service shaped by rich knowledge and years of experience. Therefore, today we can offer you comprehensive support in various activities and topics, including those requiring confidentiality and trust. Gain a team member who will work with dedication for your company’s success.

Virtual Assistant – Service

The Virtual Assistant at IdeaPlace – Who Is She?

A virtual assistant can be described as a person for special tasks, and these tasks are truly diverse. What sets her apart is that she works remotely, but that doesn’t mean any less efficiency. At IdeaPlace, this service is not coincidental but developed and backed by experience. From the beginning of our operations, we engage and support our clients’ businesses. Now we’ve turned that into a separate service. We approach each assistant task individually because we understand that every business is different. During the first conversation with the client, we aim to understand their company and discuss the specifics of the tasks to be delegated. It’s crucial to define the scope of virtual assistant support from the start. We adapt to our clients in many areas, including choosing communication channels and tools. We aim to become part of an already functioning company.

What tasks can you delegate to a virtual assistant at IdeaPlace?

You’re probably wondering in which areas a virtual assistant can assist you. It depends on skills and competencies. At IdeaPlace, you’ll encounter comprehensive support. We specialize in assistant, administrative, project, and representational activities. What exactly can we offer you?


Every company faces one-time and time-consuming issues. It’s the perfect time for a virtual assistant to join the work. Examples of such tasks might include choosing and ordering corporate gadgets. A more demanding project could be, for example, trademark registration. Then we oversee the entire process. We find a law firm to handle it, take care of the communication, and coordinate actions. When you need a new office, we’ll help you find a space that meets your and your employees’ needs. Or perhaps you want to create a customer database with specific parameters? In this area too, the virtual assistant at IdeaPlace will support you.


Daily routines in a company involve handling emails, passing on documents, and managing invoices. How to handle it all? With the help of a virtual assistant. Delegate to us the administrative tasks related to running the office. We’ll take care of the email inbox, document circulation, and provide professional customer service. By giving us access to various company information, you also gain confidentiality and security. At IdeaPlace, trust is a priority.


Although a virtual assistant works remotely, many of her duties are no different from those performed by a traditional assistant. If you need a good project plan, a thorough and informative presentation with key data included, engage virtual support. You can also count on us when expanding your team. When you decide to start new recruitments, we’ll handle the preparation of job advertisements and their publication in various channels, as well as the selection of incoming CVs. Also, remember that IdeaPlace has diverse business contacts, allowing us to connect people and activities on interesting projects.


Before deciding on another investment or expanding your offer, you’ll certainly want to do good research to determine the prospects for the new venture. Reliable and accurate data can be crucial. Professionalism, attention to detail, and commitment to information gathering are what you’ll find at IdeaPlace. Over the years, we’ve learned about many industries and understand their specifics. The virtual assistant will pass on this experience to your projects.


Representative activities are another type of tasks you can entrust to a virtual assistant at IdeaPlace. In the case of a sole proprietorship, they involve us representing your company in public offices and institutions upon receiving power of attorney. On your behalf, we can handle matters at the Tax Office and Social Security Office. We also monitor the situation continuously and react accordingly. We also support foreign companies and entities planning to open a branch in Poland. We act as the company’s attorney once it’s established. Then we represent the company before public institutions and handle many issues related to concluding agreements with suppliers and partners.

If you want to learn more details about the virtual assistant at IdeaPlace, visit the Virtual Assistant page or schedule a free consultation, during which you can tell us how we can help your company.