More and more of our lives are transferred to the Internet. In recent years, we have largely limited the use of mobile phones in favor of instant messaging, social media has become one of the main sources of information, and not having a company’s website equates to the non-existence of the entire enterprise.

The year 2020 put additional emphasis on it, which resulted in e-lessons, online meetings and … webinars.

What’s all the fuss?

A webinar is an online event that includes conferences, training courses, courses, lectures, etc.

Webinars allow you to gather any number of participants without having to physically attend the event, while ensuring that each of them has the same access to the presented materials.

Webinars are especially convenient for both the hosts and participants, who can be anywhere during the event.

How does it work?

Let’s assume that you want to organize training for 60 people. You have prepared a presentation and all the necessary materials, all you have to do is find the perfect conference room in which the event will be held. The webinar platform will be such a room.

You can easily fit 60 people in it, who will be able to watch your materials and listen to your lecture on their screens.

You can also interact with each of these people, thanks to a chat, Q&A session, surveys and tests that you can share with your guests.

Who can take part in a webinar?

The webinar can be accessed via a link to the event. Who gets it depends only on you.

You can share the link publicly, which will allow an unlimited number of people to participate in the event, send it to people registering through a special survey or those who will pay for access.

Is it worth running webinars??

Webinars help you to conduct a conference, training or lecture in a convenient and flexible way. Their participants can join the event from anywhere on Earth. They can be both on the train or in a comfortable bed.

On the other hand, the hosts find it much easier to organize the project. All you need to work is a laptop with Internet access and a professional background that will be visible on the camera.

If you have an office in your apartment, you can conduct a webinar there without leaving your home. On the other hand, if you need a suitable place or want to be sure that you will not encounter internet problems during the event, you may be interested in the offer of renting our business rooms.

The training and business rooms at IdeaPlace are located in the very center of Wrocław, which means that you can easily reach us from every part of the city and are available at your disposal, regardless of whether you need them in the middle of the week or during the weekend.

Webinars are not only ordinary training or conferences, such as you can organize every day. Due to their easy accessibility and convenience, they attract participants from different neighborhoods who want to develop, and thanks to the Internet they gain better access to knowledge. The advantage of this phenomenon is not only the possibility of development for the above-mentioned participants, but also business promotion for the webinar leader, who can create his image as an expert in a given field and easily promote his products and services.

Training of the XXI century

Webinars are an extraordinary innovation in the training industry, which allows you to increase access to knowledge, convenience in conducting and participating in training, and a simple opportunity to promote and create the image of a specialist.

Do you think webinars will become more and more popular in the coming years?

Or maybe you are planning to organize a webinar yourself or have already had the opportunity to do it?

Share your thoughts on webinars with us in the comments!