Dynamic changes in the modern work environment require entrepreneurs to be increasingly flexible and innovative – this also applies to the organization of office space. In a situation where more and more companies opt for hybrid work or switch completely to remote work, renting offices in the traditional model turns out to be not only insufficient but above all uneconomical. The answer to this problem is hot desking, a concept based on a flexible approach to allocating workspaces in the office. What exactly is hot desking? What benefits does it bring, and what can be a significant challenge when implementing such a work system?

What is Hot Desk in office space?

Although hot desking is currently a hot topic gaining popularity primarily due to the widespread adoption of remote work, the idea itself is by no means completely new. The concept of hot desking dates back to the 1980s when it was initiated as a response to a specific problem faced by companies. They noticed that while working in shifts, employees were not using all available workspaces, while business owners incurred regular costs for unused space. However, it quickly became apparent that this problem is not unique only to shift-working organizations – today it also affects other companies implementing flexible forms of work such as hybrid work.

Observing the contemporary job market, it can be stated that hot desking is widely known and appreciated as a modern way of organizing office space, where employees do not have fixed workstations but can work at any desk depending on their needs and availability.

What benefits does Hot Desking bring to today’s offices?

Hot desks are a work model that brings many benefits to both employees and employers. For business owners, implementing this solution is primarily an effective way to save space and money. Hot-desking enables optimal use of office space – instead of maintaining desks for employees who are on vacation, on delegation, or working remotely, their number can be reduced, and currently vacant workspaces can be made available to other employees. The idea of sharing space allow employers not only to rent smaller offices but also to reduce costs related to the purchase and ongoing maintenance of office equipment.

Hot-desking also facilitates building relationships between employees from different departments or teams, thereby contributing to the effective development of organizational culture. Thanks to the variable workspace, colleagues can get to know each other better, exchange knowledge and experiences, and also count on greater support in their daily tasks. It can also help resolve conflicts and tensions that sometimes arise with a fixed allocation of workspace in the office.

Another advantage of hot desking is greater flexibility. Hot desks allow employees to better adapt the work environment to specific tasks, which promotes creativity and motivation, resulting in higher efficiency as a result.

Comparison of Hot Desking with classic desk allocation for a specific employee

The traditional model of organizing office space based on allocating fixed workstations has some advantages, especially in terms of providing a sense of stability and belonging to the team. However, its main disadvantage remains the lack of flexibility and the risk of overspending on something that can be relatively easily optimized.

In this aspect, hot desking takes the lead, offering greater flexibility and the possibility of adapting the space to the current needs of employees. This concept also solves the problem of empty desks on days when part of the team works remotely, is on sick leave, or vacation. The idea of hot desks is, therefore, a way to save money because the company does not have to organize and maintain workspaces for all employees simultaneously.

How does Hot Desking affect the efficiency of employees?

Many office workers eventually notice that working at the same desk and in the same environment has a negative impact on their attitude and motivation, sometimes causing fatigue and a decrease in productivity, which carries an increased risk of professional burnout. Meanwhile, the efficiency of employees and their commitment to daily duties is the basis of every thriving organization.

By offering the possibility of adapting the workspace to the specific nature of tasks, hot desking can effectively increase team productivity. Hot desking assumes that employees can work in different places depending on their current needs. When they need maximum concentration, they can occupy a place in a quieter and less crowded part of the office, and when planning team work on a larger project, they can easily organize joint work.

Flexible work environments implemented through the hot desking concept can, therefore, contribute to increasing employee engagement and strengthening their ability to quickly adapt to changes, which is an extremely important skill in modern business.

Organizing office space based on Hot Desking

Implementing hot desks in a company requires thoughtful organization of office space and adapting it in a way that allows for the efficient implementation of all hot desking concept conditions. It is crucial to prepare functional zones where employees can easily find available, fully comfortable workspaces for themselves. However, finding the right office space that provides the team with a professional and comfortable environment often proves to be a significant challenge for companies.

In such a situation, serviced office space, i.e., professional office spaces that can be tailored to the individual needs of the company and the specific work of teams, is a solution worth considering.

Which companies can benefit from this solution?

Hot desking is a solution that proves to be particularly cost-effective for companies with high employee turnover, often working remotely or in different locations. This idea is particularly popular in organizations operating in the IT or marketing industry. However, hot desks can work well in any company that highly values flexibility and is looking for a way to reduce costs associated with office space.

Challenges associated with Hot Desking – how to deal with potential difficulties and employee resistance?

Transitioning to a hot desk system is a significant challenge for companies. Implementing this work model requires excellent planning. This includes establishing a comfortable system for booking workspaces and clear rules for organizing work at desks, which will eliminate the problem of insufficient workstations or difficulties in finding a suitable place to work. Additionally, it involves preparing employees for this change. When planning to implement hot desking, it is worth first carefully analyzing the needs of the company and employees, presenting the team with the motivations behind this idea, and explaining the expected benefits associated with implementing such a work model.

For many companies, organizing office space according to hot desking principles may also be a challenge. It is worth considering that employees need various types of spaces to work effectively – the office should include both a quiet zone allowing full concentration on tasks and a collaborative area for teamwork or access to conference rooms for larger meetings. Additionally, the workstation should be professionally equipped, providing comfort and ergonomics.

Hot Desking in coworking spaces – what does it look like?

However, all the above-mentioned issues cease to be a concern if the company decides to use a coworking office. This is because coworking offices, as specially prepared, shared coworking spaces, fit perfectly into the hot desking concept.

At Idea Place, we provide access to comfortable workstations where your team can perform their daily tasks with full focus, gaining the desired flexibility and comfort at work.