Companies and organizations that work on projects daily certainly know how effective teamwork can be. Collaboration in project teams, ongoing exchange of thoughts and ideas, or brainstorming sessions are often the beginning of innovative solutions, for which a conducive environment is necessary. Find out how to conduct a brainstorming session effectively and organize an inspiring work environment for your team!

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What is brainstorming? 

Brainstorming is a widely used method in modern organizations for problem-solving and generating ideas in a creative way.

The basic assumption is to gather as many new concepts and innovative ideas as possible regarding a specific issue. For this reason, brainstorming sessions usually take place in larger groups, through open, informal discussions. Such meetings are organized around three stages: 

Although brainstorming sessions usually take place in a somewhat less formal atmosphere, they still follow a few rules, adherence to which is necessary for the session to be effective and fruitful in valuable conclusions.

The first of these can be summed up in the well-known slogan “there are no bad ideas”, which undoubtedly should accompany every brainstorming session. To make the meeting truly valuable, it is necessary to create an atmosphere that encourages interaction and bold sharing of thoughts. The basis of effective brainstorming is the free exchange of ideas – without criticizing and judging others, in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Getting rid of inhibitions related to the fear of what the rest of the team will think of me is also the key to greater creativity and often the source of the best ideas.

It is also important to remember that brainstorming is inherently a team activity. Therefore, the active participation of the entire team and involvement to the same extent by all participants is desired. The two biggest drawbacks of brainstorming are uneven participation and sticking to the first ideas, not allowing the development of subsequent ones. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid situations where one or a few selected people from the team clearly dominate, thereby limiting the possibility of contribution from the remaining participants, which often results in rather chaotic discussions. To achieve this, it is worth preparing an agenda for the meeting in advance and appointing a moderator.

Brainstorming session – why conduct it before starting a project? 

Conducting a brainstorming session before starting a project is primarily a great way to clash different perspectives and thoughts, which can ultimately lead to more creative solutions and better decisions. It is worth treating others’ ideas as inspiration, which often contributes to the emergence of a new, interesting concept. Moreover, brainstorming sessions effectively mobilize the team to cooperate, build a sense of responsibility in employees, which also translates into their greater involvement in the project.

Why is brainstorming during remote work a challenge? 

A brainstorming session is not just a meeting in a larger group, but above all, the art of organizing a space where each participant feels listened to, and their voice is equally valuable. Therefore, effective brainstorming requires creating an environment where interaction between participants is uninterrupted, and ideas can flow freely.

In this context, remote work poses some challenges for effective brainstorming. Unexpected technical problems, lack of direct contact with participants and visible reactions, awkward silence, or at-home distractions – all of this can hinder team interaction, resulting in lower productivity and low motivation to participate actively in the session. Therefore, the location of the meeting is extremely important for its effectiveness.

Brainstorming in the company vs. creative work in a rented office 

Brainstorming sessions held at the company’s headquarters often show low effectiveness. A well-known office, which constantly reminds of current issues, unread emails from customers, or rings with phone calls, does not create conditions conducive to creativity and full concentration on the meeting’s goal. In such cases, renting an office and changing the scenery can be helpful in effectively unleashing new reserves of creativity and inspiration. A new environment can be an important factor facilitating a fresh perspective on the problem. A professional, fully equipped office space will also provide the team with the comfort and silence necessary for effective work.

Advantages of rental brainstorming rooms – productive brainstorming in the team environment 

Using dedicated spaces designed to meet the needs of modern teams can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of brainstorming sessions, allowing for open discussions and deep concentration on the task. Renting such a space is a good idea for both dispersed teams working hybrid and companies performing their duties completely remotely, which do not have their own office and do not have the opportunity to meet in person daily.

Direct meetings for brainstorming purposes, on the other hand, promote dynamic conversation and idea exchange in real-time, stimulating creativity in participants who draw inspiration from each other and react to emerging concepts on the spot. It is also a guarantee of equal access to all information, which allows avoiding unwanted misunderstandings.

Renting an office – combining the online and offline world for better results 

Renting an office to conduct an effective brainstorming session with the team not only facilitates interaction between employees but also allows building relationships, a sense of belonging to the group, and the overall team spirit, successfully supporting the organizational culture. During face-to-face meetings, however, it is still worth using available virtual tools that allow easy documentation of the brainstorming process and efficient management of the project and the information gathered during the session.

Brainstorming differently – using online tools in the office space 

Productive brainstorming requires the appropriate involvement of participants and efficient communication. Even when organizing a stationary meeting in a rented office, it is worth using not only traditional accessories such as flip charts or sticky notes but also online tools.

These include applications that allow creating interactive mind maps or virtual boards for collaborative work, which enable visualization and organization of ideas (e.g., Miro, Padlet). Useful can also be tools that allow for quick surveys and voting (e.g., Mentimeter), as well as time management applications (e.g., Time Timer), thanks to which the team can effectively use the available time, controlling the established meeting agenda. Using digital tools during brainstorming sessions will provide support in efficient recording of all relevant ideas and conclusions, to which the entire team will be able to return at any time, without the risk of losing valuable information.

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Brainstorming ideas for in-person meetings

There are helpful techniques for organizing brainstorming sessions that motivate participants, triggering openness and creativity necessary for generating new ideas freely. Some of them are much more effective during in-person meetings.These methods include, for example, starbursting, which involves placing an idea or problem in the center of a six-armed star and reaching a solution through questions, but also the equally popular 635 method, where consecutive numbers denote: 6 participants, 3 ideas recorded during one session, and 5 minutes allocated for a session