The increasing popularity of remote work has opened up opportunities for us to perform our professional duties from almost any corner of the world. Many people are taking advantage of this opportunity to explore new places and combine work with the possibility of traveling “after hours.”

What exactly is a workation and how does it affect maintaining work-life balance? What is the ideal place for a workation and what should you keep in mind when organizing this type of work mode?

Workation – What Does It Mean? What Is It About?

Workation is a term derived from the words “work” and “vacation.” It represents one of the opportunities offered by the remote work model, combining the performance of professional duties with a leisure trip.

Contrary to appearances, a workation is not the same as working during a vacation. During a workation, an employee does not use their entitled vacation days because they perform their assigned tasks during the standard, employer-designated hours and receive the same compensation. The only change is the work location. The employee moves from their office or home to a vacation spot, which they can explore in the afternoons or on weekends.


Workations are gaining popularity partly because they help maintain a balance between professional and personal life.

The charm of the place chosen for a workation motivates employees to finish work on time and avoid overtime. The desire to fully enjoy attractions not available daily enhances focus while performing professional duties, allowing employees to fully dedicate themselves to exploring and other activities afterward. Moreover, temporarily breaking the routine of working in the same place can increase efficiency and creativity, inspired by the new surroundings. In the long term, workations can help avoid drastic drops in efficiency and motivation or burnout.

Where to Go for a Workation? How to Find the Best Place?

Choosing the ideal workation spot is an individual matter, typically dependent on the industry, work mode, and personal preferences for spending free time. Many people associate workations with warm southern countries like Portugal or Spain or exotic non-European destinations. However, it’s important to note that these destinations might not be suitable due to significant time differences or very high temperatures. People who realize that tropical destinations are not the best option for them increasingly choose places within Poland for their workations. Large cities full of attractions, mountain retreats, or seaside resorts – the range of possibilities is indeed wide.


Since a workation is not a standard vacation, where entire days are free, but rather a chance to work temporarily from a different location than the office or home, it will not replace a full vacation. Treating a workation as a vacation could reduce work efficiency and focus, disturbing the work-life balance.

Workation – Combining Work with Vacation

Workation is a work model becoming increasingly popular among young people who value professional development equally with the opportunity to travel and discover new places. The experiences of digital nomads, as we call people working from various corners of the world, encourage combining vacations with standard work. This is why workations are increasingly being added to the list of benefits offered by many companies.

Who Can Work During a Vacation?

Among those who can best utilize workations, and for whom organizing remote work will not be problematic, are people who can work entirely remotely using mobile devices. The opportunities provided by workations can be particularly beneficial for:

It’s also worth noting that workations don’t have to be limited to individual employees. Increasingly, companies are sending entire departments or teams on workations.


When choosing a place for a workation, it’s important to consider individual needs, work mode, and work style. The foundation of effectively performing professional duties in a non-office environment is fast Wi-Fi and a comfortable workspace. These conditions are guaranteed by coworking spaces, which are becoming increasingly popular in Poland and worldwide, so it’s worth considering renting one for the duration of a workation.

Choosing a place should also align with your interests and preferred forms of spending free time. Consider the climate and typical activities of the city, country, or region.

Where to Go for Remote Work?

Most people opting for workations face the dilemma of where to go for remote work. Digital nomads often favor exotic or warm European countries. However, it’s important to remember that distant destinations can be problematic, especially concerning internet connection, a comfortable workspace, or time zone differences, which can be challenging for teamwork or client video calls.

Therefore, more and more people are looking for remote work locations within Poland. Wrocław is an excellent example of a large city that is also an attractive workation destination. The capital of Lower Silesia is chosen by digital nomads due to its rich and interesting history and a wide range of places and activities for planning free time.


Wrocław is a city well-suited to hosting digital nomads, offering many places for remote work. Planning a break and work in the capital of Lower Silesia for yourself or your team? Contact us! Take advantage of comfortable workspaces at IdeaPlace – located in the heart of the city.