In today’s job market, where remote work has become increasingly common, companies are faced with the need to adapt to changing employee requirements and new employment models. Remote work is often associated with greater flexibility, convenience, and cost savings for both companies and employees. However, for it to be effective, it requires proper organization and a professional work environment. In this context, working from home is not always the most advantageous solution. What alternatives should be considered? You will read about this in the article below!

Does remote work always work? Disadvantages of remote work

Although remote work undoubtedly has many benefits, it is not without its drawbacks. Among the most commonly cited inconveniences associated with remote work are limited contact with the team and a lack of direct interactions, which can negatively impact the work atmosphere and organizational culture in the long run. Employees working entirely remotely are also more prone to time management issues and difficulties maintaining a proper work-life balance, which can lead to decreased productivity over time.

Another aspect that can negatively impact employee efficiency is the work environment. When working from home, one often has to contend with a lack of professional work conditions and numerous distractions. However, this problem can be easily addressed by using coworking spaces, which provide fully comfortable working conditions, additionally in an inspiring environment surrounded by other professionals.

Longer break, or when you encounter difficulties in remote work?

Returning to work after weeks of absence, for example, due to maternity leave or illness, is certainly not easy – especially when we work remotely and need to quickly update a lot of information. Re-entering the daily routine of work and regaining the usual work rhythm requires good organization and focus. This task may be somewhat more difficult in the case of remote work from home, which reminds us at every step of the backlog not necessarily related to work. To counteract the decrease in motivation and effectively return to full productivity, organization and self-discipline at the highest level are necessary in such situations.

Cons of remote work after returning from a break

Effective communication and an uninterrupted flow of information are important elements in any company. When it comes to an employee returning after a long break, these aspects become even more significant. Remote work poses many challenges, requiring good organization and efficient use of available tools to avoid unwanted problems and misunderstandings.


When working remotely, it is essential to ensure equal access to information. Therefore, the company must have processes in place that enable the filtering of important information as well asdocumentation and smooth sharing it through publicly available channels. Office work has a slightly different nature. Often, less complex issues can be quickly resolved among colleagues over a coffee or during a lunch break, something that remote workers may miss. The lack of direct contact carries the risk of disrupted team information exchange, which can make quick decision-making more difficult.

Therefore, it is in the company’s interest to provide technologies and communication tools that prevent the physical absence of employees from negatively affecting the daily functioning of the organization. In this context, it is particularly important to establish effective remote communication methods and plan a schedule of regular project meetings, for example, by using coworking spaces for teams.


Upon returning to work after a longer break, it is essential to determine the status of individual projects and prepare a prioritized list of tasks to be completed along with specific deadlines. To facilitate the return to everyday work, it is also essential to ensure a suitable work environment. As already mentioned, remote work from home may not be very effective, and home conditions can be very distracting. Therefore, it is worth organizing a workplace free from distractions, such as a coworking office, where performing daily work duties will be much simpler and more efficient.


Remote work undoubtedly requires self-reliance and well-developed time management skills. Each employee has their own work rhythm and hours of peak efficiency, which is worth adapting the daily schedule to in order to effectively perform work duties. This will help avoid productivity issues, often raised as a counterargument by employers who are still not fully convinced of remote work.

On the other hand, one trap of entirely remote work is the difficulty in separating professional duties from personal life. To avoid getting overwhelmed by tasks, it is worth scheduling regular work breaks to help maintain adequate productivity while maintaining a balance between work and personal life.


Spontaneous conversations with colleagues on loosely work-related topics or informal coffee meetings are things that effectively build team spirit, creating a friendly atmosphere in the company. However, when working remotely, it is challenging to have this kind of interaction, which can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation among employees, decreased motivation, or lacking the sense of belonging to the organization. Therefore, when transitioning to remote work, it is essential to focus on building team relationships through regular meetings – both online meetings organized using available communication platforms and direct meetings in the form of regular integration and joint activities.

How to minimize remote work problems? Step-by-step return after a break

As already mentioned, returning to work after a long vacation is always a challenge, which remote workers, communicating with colleagues and superiors only remotely, can feel particularly strongly. How to prepare for the return to work and smoothly return to the daily routine?


An employee returning from a long absence from work should be up to date with all important company matters and events that took place during their absence. The first task upon returning is undoubtedly to verify and familiarize oneself with the latest documents and backlog of messages, which will help avoid potential misunderstandings or communication problems.


In the case of a longer absence from work, the list of tasks and issues awaiting the employee upon return may be quite long. To ensure a smooth return to professional duties, it is worth organizing a meeting with colleagues, which will allow for quick information exchange and discussion of current matters face to face, which will undoubtedly also be a pleasant form of integration.

If the company usually operates remotely and does not have its own office, such a meeting can be successfully planned using coworking spaces. At Idea Place, we operate on flexible terms, and our Clients can use coworking spaces when they need them, without the need to sign long-term contracts.


Conducting a successful video conference at home can be a difficult task. Home distractions, the presence of household members, or an unexpected doorbell – all of this can effectively disrupt a business meeting, distracting the participants and also negatively affecting our professional image.

When planning an important meeting, it is essential to ensure suitable conditions. Peace and comfort can be provided by a conference room for rent by the hour. By renting such a space, you don’t have to worry about professional equipment or high-quality equipment that facilitates uninterrupted video conferences.